Do I need Neighbours consent to subdivide?

If you want to divide a piece of property, you’ll need the consent of your neighbours. This is because neighbours have a right to an ‘unitary interest’ in the common property, which is the property shared by all the neighbours. So, if you want to divide your parcel, you’ll need to gain the consent of each of the neighbours. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t subdivide your property without it. It just means that you’ll have to compensate your neighbours for any losses they suffer as a result of the change in the property’s value.

If you’re looking to subdivide your property, you’ll first need to make sure you can get the necessary permits.

Generally, if you’re looking to do a lot of earth moving and you’re going to alter your lot lines, you’ll need to gain the consent of all of your neighbours. Your city’s permitting office can determine if this is the case. To make sure you don’t run into any issues, make sure to talk to your neighbours and explain what you plan to do.

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That will require you to find out if your property is in an area that allows for the re-subdivision of land.

You will need the approval of your council to re-subdivide your block. Councils are usually in favour of allowing more housing in the area as it increases the amount of amenities, shops and services that are nearby. However, they want to make sure that the proposed development isn’t going to negatively impact their existing infrastructure.

You’ll also need to find out if you’ll require the approval of your neighbours.

If you intend to subdivide your property, you’ll need to gain the consent of your neighbours. Your block will be bound by a covenant, and this is an agreement between all the owners that outlines what they can and can’t do with the land. The covenant will often include a section on what a property owner can do with his or her property, including whether or not they can subdivide it.

If you’re looking to re-subdivide your property, you’ll need to find out if you can do so without the consent of your neighbours.

If you want to re-subdivide your property, you’ll need to find out if you can do so without the consent of your neighbours. Whether you need consent depends on whether your property is a residential or commercial zone. In a residential zone, you’ll need the consent of all the adjacent properties that share an easement, such as a road or a drainage line. In a commercial zone, you’ll only need the consent of the neighbouring property owner.

To do this, you’ll need to find out if your property and your neighbours’ properties are in a designated area that allows for the re-subdivision of land.

Depending on the area you live in, you may be required to gain the consent of your neighbours before you can subdivide your own property. This can help to ensure that the development of your property doesn’t have any ill-effects on your neighbours.

If you can’t re-subdivide your property without the approval of your neighbours, you’ll need to sit down and negotiate a solution with them.

In most cases, you’ll need to gain the consent of your neighbours before you can legally subdivide your property. However, it is possible to legally subdivide without the approval of your neighbours if you can demonstrate that the subdivision is in the public interest.

That could mean you might need to buy the portion of your property that you need from your neighbour.

When it comes to dividing your property, you’ll need to gain the approval of your neighbours. If you decide to do this without consent, you’ll be in violation of the covenants you’ve purchased and will be required to pay any and all legal fees they may incur.


If you plan to sell your property, you will need to subdivide it. However, if you plan to live there, you can often buy a portion of an existing lot without the need for a subdivision. This is known as a “home by the lot” purchase.